
In the era of interstellar civilization, rapid advancements in technology have led human society to be governed by two major powers known as the "Federation" and the "Empire." Unlike the technological limitations of ancient Earth, AI intelligence has become the primary focus of research for both governments in this age. The study of life and consciousness has emerged as a critical subject, and the pursuit of immortality, a quest that began in the days of ancient Earth, has now become the ultimate goal of politicians. At the beginning of Star Calendar 5117, a top-secret AI research project called "Starlight" was entrusted to Lin Hai, the highest-ranking official of the research institute, along with Xiao Cancan and Sun Maomao. However, when the "Starlight" project began to show results, Xiao Cancan and his wife Ling Ruo, who were affiliated with the Federation government, fell victim to a betrayal by Sun Maomao's husband, Su Li'an, a close friend of Xiao Cancan. In the face of this crisis, Xiao Cancan made a decisive decision to split the research findings into two parts. He took one part with him, while entrusting the other to Lin Hai, a trusted member of the research team. Xiao then led a mysterious figure dressed in black away by himself, creating a diversion. Amidst a web of intrigue and relentless pursuit, the "Starlight" project was forced to a halt, plunging the upper echelons of the Federation government into darkness. As time passed, in Star Calendar 5127, four exceptional scientific prodigies emerged from the masses, driven by their purest beliefs, and entered the most prestigious research institution in the galaxy—Xelona Advanced Academy. However, unbeknownst to them, the moment they stepped into the academy, countless eyes were already upon them, and a storm was quietly brewing in the shadows... Politicians always prefer to use some worldly theory to replace genuine belief. What we believe in is not the truth, but the false kingdom they have built upon authority.
Upon The Stellar Epoch


Jiu Yu San Xun
