Grace’s implicit acceptance seemed to have eased Ryan’s emotional toll. After seeing her stay with John, Ryan tried to get closer to him. John also didn’t reject Ryan. Then the two, who never seemed to get close, started to become closer; at least on the surface, but a nice family atmosphere was formed.

Again, a week passed, and the weekend John was hoping for arrived. Even on Saturday, Valentine had a busy day, packed with general culture classes. While Valentine had his riding lessons, John took a walk in the garden with Max and Thunderbolt.

Someday, John would also have to get that high education which Valentine received, but Ryan still found it difficult to take the freedom away from a boy who had been busy playing with his friends after school, so Ryan decided to let John be free on the weekends.

“Come on, go get it.”

“Woof, Woof.”

“Woof, Woof.”

John throwed the rubber ball as hard as he could, expecting Max and Thunderbolt to run like a bullet. As they slumped on top of each other over a small ball, John sat down on the grass and held his breath. It had been over an hour now since he was dealing with two big dogs by himself. He was nearing the limit of his energy. That’s what John was thinking, while he was lying on his back on the floor.

“If you sleep like that, you will catch a cold.”

A shadow covered his head and he could see Ryan’s face. Surprised by the unexpected appearance, John woke up on the spot, and then yelled; embarrassing Ryan for his reaction.

“I’m very sorry to have surprised you.”

“No, it is not that.”

John rubbed the tip of his nose in discomfort, and carefully chose the words to say.

“I didn’t know you were home.”

“I just got here. I’ll have to leave soon anyway.”

“Oh, that’s a shame.”

“Were you throwing the ball?”

“Yeah, I was playing with these guys.”

Suddenly, the two dogs chewing on a ball rubbed their bodies against John’s legs. John stumbled a little from the force of the dogs, but he didn’t hide his laughter. John, Max, and Ryan looked alternately at Thunderbolt, smiled, and then slowly Ryan opened his mouth.

“So how about we throw it together?”


“The ball, it will be a bit difficult to deal with them by yourself.”

For John, Ryan’s proposal was very surprising. John, who tried to speak to reject the offer without realizing it, fell silent again. Now that he thought about it, his proposal didn’t seem so bad.

Honestly, he was getting tired of doing this alone…


When John nodded, Ryan’s nervous expression, as he waited for John’s answer, relaxed. When Ryan rolled up his shirt sleeves, the gardener who was watching them in a corner of the field, quickly noticed the ball, the baseball glove, and the frisbee and handed them over. Ryan rolled the ball in his hand and offered it to John.

“Wanna bet who can throw it the farthest?”

“I don’t know… Don’t you think I’ll obviously lose?”

“Then I’ll stand a bit further behind you when I throw it. What about that?”

“Um, I agree…”

“Well then, let’s see who’s better.”

Although they were still uncomfortable with each other, they sweated and ran, throwing the ball harder than necessary. Thanks to Ryan, who played hard, the dogs felt better and had more energy than usual.

“Haha… I really can’t run right now.”

After running for a long time, John, who was finally exhausted, laid on the grass. Then Max ran up to him and licked all over his face.

“You are better than you seem.”

Ryan smiled and sat down next to John.

“Wow… I’m really tired now.”

“Sounds pretty good. I think there is an automatic machine for throwing balls. Let’s find it.”

“Wow. I think it would be convenient to have something like that.”

“And… Maybe not every day, but sometimes, how about you invite me too?”


“To these kinds of games.”

John’s green eyes sharpened at Ryan’s words. Then slowly a cotton candy laugh spread across his face. Ryan smiled at John too. The solidarity which only men who sweat together could share, finally emerged at that moment.

The time, which wasn’t uncomfortable, passed by without a conversation. At that moment, John, who was looking up at the blue sky while lying down for a moment, raised his upper body. At the end of his gaze, he found a small foot with leather boots. John’s eyes widened a little. He did so because he saw Valentine’s expressionless face staring at him.

“Uh, Valentine, did your class finish?”

John made no secret of his joy and got up from his seat. But unlike usual, Valentine didn’t say anything. Not only that, but he couldn’t see any laughter. As John paused because of the cold expression he saw for the first time, Valentine turned his back on him.


Although he must have heard John’s voice calling him, Valentine walked toward the mansion without hesitation. Ryan, who got up after John, frowned.

“Why is he doing that?”

“I don’t know…”

Ryan and John looked at each other in confusion. John scratched his head and narrowed his eyes. He couldn’t guess why Valentine had completely changed his attitude. Finally, John, who gave up on finding the answer, asked Ryan anxiously.

“I’m not sure, but Valentine, he didn’t look good… Is it my fault?”

“Well, I don’t think so. Oh my God.”

“What happened?”

“Look at the time.”

Ryan checked the time and clicked his tongue. At John’s gaze, Ryan broke his stiff expression and explained why.

“Actually, I have to go to Sydney tonight for work. I have to get ready. You should also rest after exercising. If you do any more, you could pass out.”

“Yes, I will. But, more than that, Valentine…”

“I’ll go with him. It’s nothing important, so don’t worry.”


“Then let’s go inside, John.”